Sandra Chat "Relationship"
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If Tomorrow Never Comes

Tuesday, January 19, 2010 , Posted by Sandra Chat at 6:36 PM

If you knew that tomorrow would never come, how important would your today be? What would you do? What will truly matter and what wont? The truth is tomorrow isn't promised to anyone. We should live every day as if it were out last, no regrets.

Thousands of Haitians lost their lives last week in an event we (Haitians) will remember as one of the most devastating times in Haiti's history. Despite feeling helpless and burdened down with sorrow from the lost of love ones and the overall suffering of my country, it was a wake up call for me.

We get so caught up in life's distractions (work, school, luxury things, bills, money, vacations, etc) that we forget to live. We forget to be happy and enjoy life's simple pleasures such as laughing and being in the company of friends and family.  We take our freedom and all the opportunities presented to us for granted. We complain about how much we don't have instead of giving thanks for the things we do have.

I challenge you all to take time out of your busy schedule and make time for your love ones. Call your distant relatives and tell them how much you miss and love them. Make an effort to spend quality time with your immediate family (husband,wife, children). Visit your grandparents and show them how much you appreciate them. Make an effort to rebuild broken relationships. Life is too short and tomorrow isn't promised to any of us. Make today count. No regrets!

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