When Its Over, Its Over!
Monday, February 22, 2010
, Posted by Sandra Chat at 6:30 PM
Why do we hold on so tight to something that's simply not meant to be? If you broke up then there's probably a good reason as to why they are now your ex. Whether it was you or them that messed up, the truth of the matter is that its over. Move on.
Do not meddle in your ex's new relationship. Do not call their phone from a blocked number and hang up. Don't stir up confrontation if you see them in public. Do not call their mother, brother, sister, cousin, or best friend; trying to plead your case in hopes that they will help you get them back. Do not show up at their job with a gift and pitiful look on your face expecting everything to be back to normal. When its over, it over!
Breaking up is hard to do; especially when you've been together a while and was deeply in love. I've been there and I get it! What I don't get is when one individual puts pressure on another individual to continue a relationship that's just not working. You cannot force someone to love you and want to be with you. There are too many single men and women out there for you to be in a relationship where you are unhappy.
The break up period should be a time of reflection. What could I have done differently to change the outcome of the relationship? What do I need to work on as an individual? What will I not tolerate again in a mate? What's important and what's not? Remember, its healthy to go through a few bad relationships before you get to the good one. This way, you learn a lot about yourself and can better appreciate your significant other for who they are.
Now my above statement applies more so to all my single viewers. Those of you who are married, you have more to think about for example; house, children , etc. Therefore its worth it, to put more effort into saving one's marriage. If an individual feels the need to do any of the items listed above to save their marriage then sole be it. But at the end of the day, you can't make someone love you and stay with you if they don't want to. Its sad but true. When its over, its over. Move on.
Totally agree with you. And again, I never said it would be easy. However, you cannot go the rest of your life stalking just one person, especially when they've made it clear that they don't want to be with you anymore. If they can't see the love you have for them then they don't deserve you. Love God first, then yourself, then the world.