Is it alright to maintain a CLOSE friendship with someone of the opposite sex while in a committed relationship?
Sunday, August 2, 2009
, Posted by Sandra Chat at 6:42 PM
The answer is absolutely no. It is not alright.
When a man and a woman are friends, they develop a level of trust and respect for one another. The same trust and respect one looks for in a mate. After a while, this friendship has more potential of developing into something more intimate than if you were to meet a total stranger. Have you ever heard the statement "Friends Make The Best Lovers"? Well it's true. They make the best lovers because you know them, you trust them, you love them and you feel comfortable enough to be yourself. This can be very dangerous and cause problems down the line if you're in a serious relationship.
It shouldn't be difficult to pull away from a close friend of the opposite sex when you're in a committed relationship if they are truly your friends. This doesn't mean you shouldn't be allowed to converse or hang out with one another occasionally, it simply means the relationship shifts gear. When you are in a committed or even a developing relationship , you would naturally want to spend most of your time getting to know your mate than you would with your friend. It just makes sense. If you find this to be difficult than it just may be that your feelings for your friend is more serious than you thought. For some individuals, it takes being in a relationship to discover this. Maintaining a close friendship with the a person of the opposite sex while pursuing a serious relationship with your mate often confuses things and prevents the relationship from progressing.
Trust and respect are two among many key ingredients in any committed relationship. If at any point within a relationship any of these become a concern as it relates to a "friend", it is up to you to address it and fix it. For example a friend of mine feels very uncomfortable about his girlfriend spending a significant amount of time with her male friend. For what ever his reasons are, his girlfriend should respect his concerns and do her best to reassure him that he is priority without jeopardizing her relationship with her male friend. This is of course if she wants her relationship with her mate to progress to the next level.
Also, just because you may honestly only see your "friend" as only a friend doesn't mean they don't have secret feelings for you. It is important that you are not sending mixed messages to your "friend" and that you are being completely honest with yourself and your mate. Learn to read between the lines and be aware of the "tell tell" signs.
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