Sandra Chat "Relationship"
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When Sorry Just Isn't Enough

Thursday, February 18, 2010 , Posted by Sandra Chat at 1:52 PM

Have you ever had someone do or say something to you that was so hurtful that you couldn't find the words to verbally communicate your emotions or feelings? Have you ever been so angry with your mate that you couldn't stand to look them in the face and tell them how disappointed you were because you were just that mad?  How do you accept ones apology when you're still hurting on the inside? What do you do when sorry is just not enough?

The answer is simple, forgive and forget or let them go.  Its easier said then done. I know, but you can't continue to worry or burden yourself with things that you have no control over. In life, the people closest to you will let you down. They will say or do mean things out of spite just to hurt you because, you perhaps hurt them and they want to return the favor. Some just need to feel in control and will do or say anything to win the fight or make you feel powerless. You cannot change someone's heart or make them do what you want them to do so why get so worked up about it?

How many times do you have to hear "sorry" before you know the person is not going to change? If your mate continues to do or say things that offends you, annoys you,  or hurts you and their solution or answer is always "sorry" then you only have two choices. It's either you learn to accept their flaw and forgive them with a pure heart (no resentment) or simply end the relationship. Now if you choose to stay and work it out, you may want to think of how you are now going to deal with the situation. Prayer always works for me. Sometimes we need to just put it in the "To Do Box" for God to handle. In a relationship, we must rely on one another for support and patience. Bad habits are hard to break so instead of getting annoyed or upset, try to think of ways in which you can help you partner. Retaliation or revenge aren't and never should be your solution. If you choose to walk away from the relationship, do so with assurance and don't look back. The truth of the matter is, that person was never the one God had intended for you to be with. Some people are placed in our lives only for a season and a purpose. Once that season has passed, you must move on otherwise you will never receive the true person God had created for you.

I've learned two very important lessons in my many years of dating and being married for almost two years and that's "Don't Sweat The Small Stuff & It's All Small Stuff" and "No Matter How Bad It Seems, It Can Always Be Worse". Lets face it folks, life is too short to spend precious time and energy being upset. So the next time your mate says "sorry" and you don't feel as if their apology is sincere or you're still hurting on the inside; learn to forgive and forget or simply let them go.

Currently have 3comments:

  1. Anonymous says:

    I agree with this post to a degree. I think it's great if you can forgive and forget, but I also think a healthy debate about an argument or something hurtful is also a positive way of resolving your differences. I myself like to discuss things to have an understanding of the situation even if the problem is reoccurring, discussing it is part of the don't give up on each other process. I don't believe retaliation work in a relationship, but standing your ground in order to bring light to an ongoing problem can help the other person understand the seriousness of it, or you can prematurely think that person season is up.

  1. Mz.St3f says:

    ... And sometimes, all you can do is agree to disagree and then move on!!!

  1. Thanks to both RoixEnCoeur and Mz. St3f for your comments,

    As it relates to discussing your issues/concerns with your mate; thats totally encouraged. However, sometimes you will have to agree t disagree as Mz. St3f stated. If your mate continues to do or says that one thing that always seems to drive you up the wall, it will become necessary for you to change your strategy. That is if you decide to stay. After a while discussing it becomes repetitive and nothing is resolved. Again, we all have flaws. No one is perfect. The best solution maybe to forgive and forget. Once you've come to grips with the fact that its just a flaw. You will learn to accept it and perhaps not become as angry as you once were.

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