Sandra Chat "Relationship"
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Dress to Impress!

Sunday, November 15, 2009 , Posted by Sandra Chat at 6:32 PM

First impressions leave lasting impressions. We all know this when preparing for a job interview correct? Well the same applies in relationships. Lets face it, we all appreciate a little eye candy. Keeping up with your appearance is very important whether you are single, dating or married.

Personal hygiene is the most important factor as it relates to maintaining ones appearance. Although this may come across as a being natural for some; others just don't get it. I will put it plain and simple, its important to brush your teeth, shower/bathe and put on clean clothes EVERY SINGLE DAY! If you suffer from chronic diseases such as halitosis or excessive perspiration; be sure to always carry around mints and deodorant/wash cloth to freshen up throughout the day. Nothings worse than having to interact with someone whose breath or body odor is simply not up to par.

As for maintaining your appearance folks; its a must!!! Now I'm not referring to style because everyone has their own sense of style. I just want to encourage you all to make an effort each day to look your best. Whether its changing your hair style, adding a little color to your wardrobe, or simply taking your time to put yourself together makes a huge difference.

To my single folks, you have no right to set standards of how you want to meet Mr./Mrs. Right and expect them to look a certain way when you yourself hasn't gotten it together. Please keep this in mind.

To my dating/married folks; you must keep it fresh! Many of you have the mentality of "I already got him/her, I don't have to look good anymore." That's the biggest mistake ever! Yes its more difficult when you see this person every day. After all, how much better can you look?This is why its even more important to look your best. You have to keep the relationship interesting and fun! Also, you will begin to feel better about yourself and your mate will certainly appreciate it as well.

At the end of the day, look good for yourself. This will help build your confidence and self-esteem. Nothing looks better than a confident brother and sister walking side by side; complimenting one another.

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