Sandra Chat "Relationship"
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Settling vs Compromising

Wednesday, October 28, 2009 , Posted by Sandra Chat at 11:02 AM

Settling and compromising are two words often misinterpreted in relationships. Its important to understand their meanings and difference as the two will surface at some point of your dating journey.

To settle
as it relates to relationships in my book means to make a decision. To accept someone based on circumstances and fear of not finding the man or woman your heart truly desires. There's no true love or compassion when you settle. You do it just because. People settle for many reasons, a few include but not limited to the following:
1. They're getting old and want to have kids soon.
2. They have a child by someone and figure it would be easier for the child that the mother and father stay together.
3. They were in the same relationship for so long, they figured its easier to just stay with the person then starting all over again.
4. The person is nice to them and they don't want to hurt their feelings.

To compromise on the other hand means to love someone so much that you are willing to overlook their flaws to make the relationship work. Examples of flaws maybe a person who is messy, a person who passes gas/burps often, a person who talks a lot, a person who can't cook, a person who loves to tell jokes that aren't funny, a person who is short/tall, a person who is over weight or extremely thin, a person who is a neat freak, a person with a birth defect, a person with childhood bad habits (sucking of the thumb), etc. I can go on but you get my drift. To be able to compromise is actually a must in any successful relationship. Compromising requires that you give a little and you also take a little. Its important to understand that EVERYONE has flaws and its up to you to decide what flaws you can deal with and what flaws you can't. You're not perfect so don't expect to find someone that's perfect.

At the end of the day, if you are dating someone for any reason but love; know you have settled. However, if you're dating someone and the things that used to bother you doesn't anymore and you can't seem to get enough of this person; you've mastered the art of compromising and you are well on your way to a happy successful relationship.

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