Sandra Chat "Relationship"
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Be Careful Who You Are Seeking Advice From

Monday, March 8, 2010 , Posted by Sandra Chat at 7:16 PM

Maintaining a happy and healthy relationship is challenging in itself without having to deal with negative influences. In other words, do not seek relationship advice from someone who isn't in a healthy and steady relationship.

Every relationship goes through its stages. Whether you're just starting off, been together a while or married, its best to seek advice from someone more experienced than you. For example, if you are single and trying to find a mate, why would you get advice from your single friends who too are in search of Mr./Mrs. Right? Wouldn't it make more sense to talk to a friend who is happily married or have been in a long term committed relationship? Many of us make the mistake of discussing our relationship with friends because we feel comfortable or have known them for a while. Although that may be the case, it doesn't mean they'll give you the best possible advice.

I do not feel its wise to consult your problems with just anyone especially those that seem to have nothing but negative comments to make.  For example, "I told you he/she was no good," "You should do the same thing to him/her and see how they feel," or  agrees with you even when you're wrong. I'm sure it's not their intentions to steer you in the wrong direction but someone who is negative will almost always have a negative reaction. Instead, find that one person who can help you see your flaws if you are in fact wrong or help you to gain something positive from what you're going through. If you and your mate are disputing about something, a more experienced person will tell you that you are wrong if you are in fact wrong and advise on ways in which you can fix the problem. Or they may share with you a similar experience they encountered and how they were able to resolve it.

Everyone should have at least one person they can talk to when they are going through. Just be careful who you choose to be that person. They may be your friends and have the right intentions but can advise you wrong; simply because they lack that level of experience. As a result, it can be the end of your relationship.

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